My frugal Kitchen Challenge Post #1: Fluffy Pancake Mix - Homemade Old Fashioned

I would like to encourage you to take a challenge! First, take a look at your pantry. How many items do you see that are "pre-packaged"? Boxes of mixes?? Have you ever thought about how much money you spend on those items? Have you ever considered how cheap it is to make it at home yourself? At first it may sound impossible, but once you try it you will be amazed at not only how easy it is, but how little time it will take you if you prepare some basic items ahead of time. I know what you are thinking... I just do not have the time, I undertand! In our hurry up world convenience will win out on most days! This is just what the manufacturers have brain washed us into thinking! It is a win win situation for them..... you and I, not so much!
You and I have a vested interest in feeding our families. It has to be nutritious, it has to be quick to assemble and it has to be something  everyone will like. The big corporations have made quite a nice living convincing us that we do not have time to prepare each and every meal! They market exquisite looking boxes, loving and laughing commercials with clean kitchens and smiling children gathered around a table eating their meals..... I am convinced that these people really do not exist ;0) First of all, who would be smiling and laughing if they realized that all the chemicals and preservatives they are putting into their body for the name of convenience is causing some serious health concerns? Have you ever made anything at home that has a shelf life as long as the things you buy in the store now? Me neither! Because we do not use things that you cannot pronounce to extend the shelf life! This week I would like to share with you an easy to assemble recipe that will replace your favorite store bought pancake mix. We are going to take baby steps, this is VERY easy and only takes a few minutes to assemble. It will be shelf stable in an airtight container because it is just dry ingredients. You will use it and store it just like your other pancake mixes. The difference is it will cost you less than .60 for 28 oz.
One last thing before we get started, I set aside a couple of hours on one Saturday every month or so and make large batches of all my favorites. Children LOVE to help with this process, it gives you time to enjoy, share and TEACH them how to be a frugal loving homemaker!

You will need: (you can Dbl or triple this batch depending on the size of your family)

4 1/2 Cups Flour
4 Tbsp Flax seed ground *(replaces eggs - plus it is SO good for you!)
3 Tbsp + 1 Tsp. Baking powder
2 Tsp Salt
2 Tsp Baking Soda
1/4 Cup Sugar
*** Optional you can add 2 tsp of cinnamon or ground vanilla beans for flavoring

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl then put into your re-purposed air tight container. **For a short cut, I have saved several of my "plastic" coffee containers and just pour all ingredients in there, put the lid on it and shake and roll it to mix everything together. I have also done the same thing utilizing my ziplock freezer bags (gallon). Put it on the shelf until I need some :) Done!!

When you are ready to make breakfast (or dinner)
Mix 1 1/2 cups of the mix with 1 1/4 cups of milk or water the choice is yours, it makes no difference in the quality or taste. You can also add in some Vanilla extract or your favorite flavor to change it up :) Click here for my homemade 100% Pure Vanilla extract
*If you do not use the flax seed, add in 1 egg, mix well and enjoy!
Please feel free to post your comments or variations to the recipes, I love to learn! For more ideas and sharing follow me on Pinterest and Facebook


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