"MAGIC" Rinse aid for Dishwasher ~ How to make your own!

I am so excited to share this with you! I am sure I am not the only one who has struggled with using homemade Dishwasher detergent! Trying to get the perfect balance between clean and spot free! Glass ware seems to be more forgiving than plastics in that dept. A lot of your homemade "recipes" take a lot of tweeking to get that mixture just right and to keep the spots off. Though there are a lot of recipes that are good ~ most just require one to many steps for me, adding vinegar in the rinse water and putting it in the auto dispenser, lemon kool aid.... putting powder in then a few drops of dawn..... It kinda defeats the whole reason why I bought a dishwasher! I want to load it and walk away, I simply do not have enough time in a day for one more "needy" appliance in my life lol ;0)  Notice in the pic even the plastic lid for the container is shining!
That is why I call this little mixture my "MAGIC" rinse aid!

There is only 2 ingredients in this recipe and the one is water!! It only takes a few seconds (literally) to make a batch and put it in your auto dispenser cup. It works better than vinegar, it gets your glass & silver ware sparkling clean, you can clean your fruit with it, add it to recipes to add a tartness AND it keeps your dishwasher clean all at the same time! HA how is that for a multipurpose ingredient to have on hand.
Are you ready yet to learn what this "MAGIC" Ingredient is?

Before we get started I do have one last thing to add. Prior to finding this little gem last year, I had sworn off the dry powder versions as they were the worst offenders of leaving a film on my dishes. I experimented and came up with a great gel Dishwasher soap that is awesome... It has real lemon juice in it so it already had a "dose" of this "magic" ingredient. You can find that recipe here. With the heat of summer upon us here in the SE. I have used the dry version with no issues as long as I use this rinse aid :) 


Here is all you have to do.

2 oz warm water
3 TBS Citric Acid

Measure the water in a measuring cup, add in the citric acid and stir it up for a few seconds until it is dissolved in the water - Unscrew the cap from your auto dispenser, pour it in and you are DONE!

I buy my citric acid from Spice World  on Amazon. 5# for 18.00 and believe me that lasts a LONG time. I use it for many other things ~ I listed some above BUT there is more! That will be another post for another time. Until then, enjoy your homemade Dishwasher detergent in ONE step by using this "MAGIC" Rinse aid,  the  only thing you will notice is your  "Sparkling Dishes"

This is a change that we can all live with!


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