Pancake Syrup ~ Homemade goodness in 5 minutes!

What is your favorite weekend breakfast? I love pancakes! That "love" required me to spend years stocking up on pancake syrup and yet it seemed that I would still run out when I least expected it. Living in the country, jumping in the car and running over to the store to pick up a few things quickly is not an option. One day I finally decided enough is enough! I keep all the items I need to make the syrup on hand in bulk, WHY was I spending so much on the store bought version??  Why indeed! All you need is a few minutes and 5 ingredients, one is water and the another is optional!

Making your own syrup is really quick and easy. You can even customize it to your own "flavoring" if traditional just does not make you happy :)

 Extracts are great & they give you so many possibilities with flavors to use in your syrup.... not to mention pancakes are about as close to dessert as you can get in the morning without feeling "too" guilty. Since fresh berries are out of season for now, I will have just plain pancakes and syrup, with lots of butter of course and my homemade maple syrup.

Homemade Pancake Syrup

2 Cups Brown Sugar
1 Cup Water
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp. Maple Extract
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract * Optional - I like the vanilla undertone with the maple.

Place brown sugar, water and salt into into a sauce pan, turn on your burner to medium high and leave it alone while it comes to a boil!

There is no need to mix it up the boiling action will mix up all the ingredients. 

Let Boil for about 1 minute then turn off heat and allow to cool while you finish up your breakfast. 

Add in your flavorings and stir in. You can use immediately and place any leftovers in a clean syrup bottle.

Thats it!! Wasn't that easy?? So what are you waiting for, go get your breakfast started and amaze your family :)

#EasyBreakfast  #PancakeSyrup  #frugalKitchen  #HomemadeRecipes


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