White Pekin Ducks - Dual purpose water fowl

We have quite a variety of birds on our farm, but our ducks well they are just a sight to behold as they swim around our pond. We have 5 in total - 3 White Pekin duck males (why you don't allow your family members to buy straight run from your local farm supplier lol) and 2 Mallards. 

The Pekins stay in our pond and pasture along with the goats. The mallards go between our pond / pasture to our neighbors pond but they are always home come dinner time. Yeah they know the hand that feeds them. They are over all great pets, graceful yet playful and sound like a herd of elephants when they come up to greet me. I will be acquiring several more FEMALES this spring so I can start collecting their eggs for incubating & eating. Yes I will be buying them already sexed from a hatchery!

Did you know: 
White Pekin Ducks are a breed of domesticated ducks used for both meat and egg production. It is the most popular commercial production duck in the US. Their beauty is undeniable as you watch them swim in your pond or as they coming waddling up to you looking for their food. Both the male and female are a creamy white in color, yellow skinned, and very large breasted. The males carry a fall weight of 10 to 11 pounds - though I think mine tip the scale considerably past that weight. The females weigh 8 to 9 pounds. The average egg production of White Pekin ducks is 140-220 eggs/yr. They are the easiest domestic ducks to pick and prepare for eating. Males are identified by the curl over on their tail feathers. They also do not fly away as with other ducks that need to have their wings clipped or risk their leaving as northern birds migrate.

About us:
Our local farm is located in Adams Run, SC (Dorchester Co.) We sell farm fresh eggs, fertilized eggs for hatching, Hens, Roosters, pullets, cockerels, Day old chicks as available and goat kids in the spring as available. If you live in our local area we would love to visit with you. We are open on Saturdays from 10:00 am - 1:00pm for sales. All other times / days are by appointment. 
Visit us and follow  our Facebook page at  https://www.facebook.com/LeapingHensandHoovesFarm/

Our flock consists of:
Rhode Island Reds, Black Minorcas, Golden Comets, Easter Eggers, Black Austrolops, Black Stars, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Silver Wyandottes and Golden Duck Wing olde english game.

Water Fowl:
White Pekin and Mallards

Our herd is home to:
1 Dorper Ewe 
3 beautiful Toggenburg Does with lineage from the National Historic home of Carl Sandburg, 2 Alpine / Saneen cross Does I rescued and 1 Nubian Buck.  

#localfarms #adamsrunsc #leapinghensandhoovesfarm #sustainableliving #eggsforsale #fertileeggsforsale  #hens #roosters #hatchingchicks #incubators #eggcandling  #eatlocal 


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