Reusable"Not Swiffer Pads" for Dusting & Floors

Have you been looking for a greener alternative to your beloved swiffer pads? What a great concept those were! Some would even say those little pads revolutionized the way we dust our house and clean our floors! What is not to love about them, they collect the dust and dirt without putting the dust back into the air for us to breath in! 
The bad part is they cost a lot of money for the refills and some of the chemicals in the wet vacs I cannot even pronounce! I am going to show you how you can make the refill pads for a couple of bucks and use them for years to come! Many of you may already have what you need on hand. If you are like me you will be wondering "why did I spend all of that money on the refills / pads?"

I for one want to use all natural cleaning products & solutions. I also desire to use items that are re-useable. I want to reduce the amount of items I send to the landfills NOT to mention I want to save money!

I have been using my re-useable cloths method for my dusting for the last few years, but until recently I did not have much flooring that was not carpeted. Since we have redone our Kitchen I now use these pads on my flooring daily and LOVE them! I cannot wait to re-floor the rest of my home (hint to my husband).

So what do I use? It is incredibly simple and cost effective. Here is what you need:

Swiffer or similiar sweeper
Microfiber cloths

That is it!  I bought my microfiber cloths at Autozone when they had a buy one get one free sale so I picked up 6 cloths for 3.00 YES!!  A few years ago I also found some at Walmart in the cleaning aisle for 1.00 each.

The great things about the microfiber cloth is that it grabs the dirt and lint just like a swiffer pad BUT you get a bonus, you can also WET them with your cleaning solution for tile and hardwood. Wet or Dry you cannot beat the clean you get! Then just toss them in the washer. The cloths also can be used on your furniture, TV, Computer monitors, glass & mirrors without leaving any streaks or lint!

All you have to do is fold the cloth almost in 1/2, depending on the size of it. Make sure you have enough room on all corners to push it into the "holes"

To show you how much better these are then just sweeping your floor. For the sake of this "home economics" experiment I prepped my floor by first sweeping it with a broom. I then took my homemade sweeper refill and ran it over the floor again. 

ugggg  GROSS!! I never realized how much of my GSD hair stayed on the floor even after a good sweeping! As you can see there was still a LOT of dirt / dust and hair to be picked up!

Do you have a swiffer wet vac? You can make your own cleaning solution for that as well and never have to buy another refill. You can mix 1/2 vinegar & 1/2 water. Add in a few drops of dish soap and your favorite essential oil for scenting. 

You can get the lid off your container by taking a couple of inches of water and bringing it to a boil. Dip the bottle top in the hot water for a few SECONDS and you will be able to twist the top  right off. I have also read that some women just had their husband loosen the lid with a wrench. You will only need to do this the first time to get the seal off of the lid and the lid will go back on without leaking!

#GreenCleaning   #ReuseableSwifferPads  #MicrofiberMagic  #SustainableLiving  #DIY #Dusting  #FurnitureandFloors  #SwifferPads

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