When Web Hosting companies advertise LOW rates

 rHave you ever noticed how many companies advertise Web hosting? It literally has to be hundreds, maybe thousands. The rates seem unbelievably low some as low as 1.99 per month! WOW, then you go to the website and realize it was just a scheme to get you to come to their site. It pays to be diligent and read all of the small print. Sometimes they make it hard because they want you to click "purchase" before giving you all the details.
Many web hosting sites will advertise extremely low monthly fee's but when you look at what you get, you see that it is only for the first couple of months (1-3) you have only 10 Gb of data that you can store for use on your site. That may be enough storage for some people, but even for someone who likes to blog with pictures and video's it will not take you long to burn thru that data allotment. Then how much are they going to charge you for the overages? You don't have to worry about that with us. We honor our sales price for 12 full months! You get Unlimited storage and bandwidth plus you get the latest tools including google analytics and SEO / Meta Tag help to make sure that search engines find you and drive business to your site. You get all the same advertising and marketing credits from Google, Facebook and yahoo. You get your site builder tools for the DIY Tech Savy or we can help you to achieve your place on the Web. Compare us and see the difference! It is your business, it should be all about your details.


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